Public Comment Opportunities

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The public is invited to comment on the following open topic(s):


Comments will be accepted for the following proposed project changes until October 10, 2024. The Transportation Planning Committee will consider these proposed changes at their October 17 meeting.


Project Name: CMAQ allocation for FY22, 23 and 24 (Eugene)

Applicant: Lane Council of Governments

STIP Key Number: 22255

Description: Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality improvements program (CMAQ) funding, projects to be determined through CLMPO project selection process. Includes 2022, 2023, and 2024 funding.

Funding: $1,246,981.36 (Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement)

Proposed Changes: Reduce funding to zero

Notes on Changes: These funds have previously been allocated to other CLMPO projects.

Action: These changes are requested by the applicant or certified agency on the applicant’s behalf. CLMPO approved the original project scope for inclusion in the TIP. Any changes must be approved by the MPO upon consideration of the federal requirements of Title 23 U.S.C. 450.326. MPO approval signifies that this project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the MPO’s Regional Transportation Plan and meets the federal requirements for inclusion in the TIP.

Public review period: September 24 – October 10, 2024


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For all of the public comment opportunities, you may comment by mailing, emailing, or in person/virtually at a public hearing (if applicable).

Comment through Mail
Metropolitan Policy Committee
Lane Council of Governments
859 Willamette Street
Suite 500
Eugene, OR 97401

Comment by Email

Comment Online

Contact MPO Program Manager at Lane Council of Governments Paul Thompson at 541-682-4283, or via email at

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