Cottage Grove Area Transit Development Plan


The City of Cottage Grove is developing a Transit Development Plan to help guide the future of public transportation in and around the Cottage Grove area. 


The City of Cottage Grove is now looking for community input on the draft Plan and invites your review and feedback. The draft plan can be accessed below and will be open until Monday, May 10th, 2021. The Cottage Grove City Council is set to review and make a motion on the final draft Plan in June 2021.

To submit feedback for this plan, please contact Syd Shoaf at


Project Background

A Transit Development Plan (TDP) is a master plan to help guide the role of public transportation within and beyond the Cottage Grove area. The study area extends south to North Douglas County, north to Eugene-Springfield, west out to Lorane, and east to Dorena. 

Public transportation is any transportation that is available to the public. Examples include buses, Dial-A-Ride, Mobility on Demand (MOD), bike share, and more.

A TDP is developed to:
Support and guide decisions about public transportation service improvements and investments, evaluate the impacts of community growth and development on public transportation service and explore alternative futures, strengthen coordination with the public and community partners, and strategize funding opportunities.

The City of Cottage Grove and Lane Council of Governments have partnered to develop the Cottage Grove Area TDP.


Project Timeline

The project kicked off in March 2020 and will be adopted in Spring 2021. Community engagement is an essential part of the process and is ongoing through the entire project duration.

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow
