TAPSource - Benton County

Resources for Drinking Water Source Protection

This project was funded in part with funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, through the Oregon Safe Drinking Water Program administered by the Oregon Business Development Department.

TAPSource is a collection of informative resources dedicated to Benton County public water system source protection. About 8,800 rural households in Benton County pump their drinking water from their own wells. The rest of us are served by public water systems. In Benton County there are about 53 public water systems that serve as the primary sources of drinking water for about 88% of the population. Each of these systems has a specific source from which they draw their drinking water supply:

  • Aquifers
  • Lakes
  • Rivers



This website is a collaborative effort by Lane Council of Governments (LCOG), Benton County, and Benton County public water systems. The purpose is to increase understanding of how individuals, groups and organizations can support clean drinking water. TAPSource contains simple interactive applications for the casual information seeker but also provides more technical information via applicable links. You are likely to learn something about drinking water as you browse the resources.


Source Water Protection

What is "Source Water Protection?" It means protecting drinking water sources from contamination to ensure that communities have clean, safe drinking water. Just like a healthy diet and lifestyle can safeguard against serious health conditions, protection of drinking water can prevent contamination problems that could be expensive, or impossible, to treat. Ensuring that there are safe, clean, and adequate drinking water sources now and into the future is important to everyone. And there's something for everybody to do!