Public Safety Coordinating Council


A community where people belong and are safe, healthy, connected and thriving.


To foster a health and safety network that strengthens relationships and communities’ access to essential services. we make budgetary recommendations to the lane county commissioners, advising them to responsibly use public resources to transform systems, create and maintain supportive programming, and address root causes of structural inequities.

Current Meetings

All PSCC Meetings

PSCC Juvenile Committee Meeting

Lane County Youth Services
Carmichael Room
2727 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Eugene


The Public Safety Coordinating Council (PSCC), a regional advisory council for the Board of County Commissioners, is charged with ensuring every effort is taken to effectively use resources to prevent crime, reduce crime, and increase the sense of safety within our communities. The PSCC strategy for meeting their charge is 3 fold:

  • Have a mechanism to monitor system progress that allows PSCC to know how well it is doing in meeting its charge.
  • Explore and implement appropriate governance models that increase system efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
  • Make sure there is a continuum of programs and services that promote healthy behavior, ensure the ability to protect the community, and hold offenders accountable.


State Bill 1145

In 1995, Oregon voters passed Measure 11 to increase prison time for violent crimes, sending more people to state prisons for a longer time. This led to creating the local public safety coordinating councils to help communities cope with offenders locally. Each county in Oregon is mandated, through SB 1145 (PDF) to have a local Public Safety Coordinating Council. Most PSCCs do not have dedicated staff. In Lane County, we are fortunate that some of the SB 1145 money that comes from the state to the county for incarceration and supervision of offenders under local control has been set aside for planning and system wide coordination. Currently, Lane County and the cities of Eugene and Springfield have an intergovernmental agreement with the Lane Council of Governments to staff the Lane County Public Coordinating Council.


Agency Cooperation

The PSCC works to bring together agencies that are interested in public safety to assure that policies and programs work in a coordinated manner across jurisdictional lines and in sync with one another. There are many different agencies that work to create safe communities, manage offenders, and assist victims. All of these different agencies work together to create a system that is effective, easy to use, and able to adapt to the needs of our communities.





Patty Perlow, Chair
District Attorney

Ryan Ceniga, Vice Chair
County Commissioner

Non-Voting Members

Jason Jones, Oregon Youth Authority

Steve Mokrohisky, County Administrator

Jim Andrews, Oregon State Police Representative

Voting Members

Ryan Ceniga, County Commissioner

Nancy Pance, Citizen Member

Donovan Dumire, Community Corrections Manager

Shawn McWeeney, Citizen Member

Patti Robb (Interim), Youth Services Division Manager

Pauline Gichohi, Health & Human Services, Community Mental Health Director

Clifton Harrold, Sheriff

TBD, Citizen Member

Jay McAlpin, Circuit Court Presiding Judge

Brook Reinhard, Public Defender

Chris Parosa, Districy Attorney

Andrew Shearer, Chief, Springfield Police Department

Chris Skinner, Chief, Eugene Police Department

Sarah Stewart, Victim Services Representative

Lucy Vinis, Eugene Mayor

Annie Herz/Paul Solomon, Reentry Services