On April 19, 2024, the Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) issued a request for proposals seeking Proposals from qualified firms to conduct Engagement for the CLMPO Regional Transportation Plan.

Ultimately the panel determined they would like to move forward with the proposal from ZAN Associates. The intention will be to enter contract negotiation and award a contract with a start date of sometime in July or August 2024.

This Notice of Intent to Award Contract is issued pursuant to Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 279B.405. Any firm or person who believes that they are adversely affected or aggrieved by the intended award set forth in this Notice, may submit a written protest within seven (7) calendar days after the issuance of this Notice of Intent to Award Brenda Moore, LCOG Executive Director, at  The seven (7) day protest period will expire at 5:00pm on July 11, 2024.

Any protest must be in writing and specify any and all grounds upon which the protest is based.

If a protest is filed, a hearing will be held no sooner than 9:00am on July 14, 2024.

If no protest is filed within the protest period, this Notice of Intent to Award Contract becomes an authorization to enter contract negations and to award a contract to the above-named provider without further action by LCOG unless LCOG, for good cause, rescinds this Notice before the expiration of the protest period. The successful proposer will enter into contract negotiations with LCOG.

If you have any questions regarding this Notice of Intent to Award Contract, or the procedures under which LCOG is proceeding, please contact Brenda Moore, LCOG Executive Director, at 541-682-4395 or